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Topic: MONEY

Complete these colloquial expressions.


Sam must have ........ to burn. Have you seen that new car he's bought? It must have cost a fortune.

Well done! If you have 'money to burn' it means you have lots of money to spend. Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.
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My nan was telling me she has a few thousand pounds set aside for a rainy .........

Well done! If you 'save for a rainy day' you save for a time in the future when you may need it.Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.
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I find it so difficult to hang on to my money. Whenever I have any it burns a hole in my ..........

Well done! If 'money burns a hole in your pocket' it means you find it difficult not to spend it.Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.
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Now complete the gaps with the missing words.


A) I wish you wouldn't keep buying clothes. You haven't got money to you know.

B) I think I'm going to start putting a little money away each week for a day.

C) As soon as Tania gets paid she's off to the shops. Money really burns a in her pocket.

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Make them your own!

1) What would you buy if you had money to burn?
2) Why is it important to save for a rainy day?
3) Is there someone you know for whom you could say money burns a hole in their pocket?