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Topic: WORK

Complete these colloquial expressions.


It didn't take Mary long to make her ........ on her new job. As soon as she arrived she restructured the department.

Well done! If you 'make your mark on something' you have an important impact. Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.
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Do you often feel like leaving the rat ........ and getting a less stressful job?

Well done! 'The rat race' is a negative term used to describe the modern, competitive world of work.Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.
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The workers downed ........ and went on strike when they heard about the new pay offer.

Well done! If workers 'down tools' they go on strike.Sorry, try again.Your answer has been saved.
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Now complete the gaps with the missing words.


A) It's a good idea to your mark when you start a new job, but not if it causes too much resentment.

B) I never wanted to join the race when I finished my degree and decided to get into research.

C) You can't just tools and walk off the job. I'm sure we can sort this out amicably.

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Make them your own!

1) Is there a person you know who made their mark on an organisation, perhaps at your school, college or at work?
2) What are your feelings about joining or being part of the rat race?
3) What are the kind of issues, if any, that would make you down tools at work?